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Equipping, Renewing, Serving  
across the Presbytery of Glacier, for Christ’s Kingdom

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Special Presbytery Meeting:

Saturday, April 5 @ 9AM via Zoom

The meeting is being held to receive and consider the report of the Camp Ad Hoc Committee which was voted at the meeting of the Presbytery of February 22, 2025.

The link will be sent to everyone who registered for the February meeting. If you did not register for the February meeting, but would still like to attend, please reach out to Clerk Bob Kampfer.

Ministries of Glacier Presbytery

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Since 1931, Glacier Camp has helped tens of thousands of children and youth from Montana discover their leadership potential, build relationships and grow in their faith. Glacier Camp is all about providing fun and meaningful Christ - centered camp and retreat experiences and offering a space where groups can meet in a gorgeous natural environment.

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Intermountain utilizes a robust Chaplain’s program to help nurture and cultivate children’s faith. Through weekly fellowship, small group study, individual mentoring, and many fun activities, Intermountain places great emphasis on allowing children to learn of God’s unconditional and sacrificial love for them while remaining sensitive to each child’s individual faith background.

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Hi-Line Y.A.V.

The Hi-Line YAV program is home to a unique ecumenical ministry in rural north-central Montana. While enjoying the beautiful landscape of “Big Sky Country,” YAVs have the opportunity to live and work in a supportive community while participating in leadership and pastoral care.




Rev. Courtney D. Arntzen supports the Missoula community and the greater Glacier Presbytery through her work as the Missoula Community Chaplain.


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Presbyterian Women

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.

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Montana Association  of Christians

The Montana Association of Christians is that body where Christians in Montana can come together to advocate for the stranger, the hungry and the incarcerated (Matthew 25:31-45) and we can learn how to make our local churches stronger by sharing buildings, ministries and leadership.

Glacier Presbytery Leadership


Chuck Carlson
Presbytery Leader (EP)


We're Hiring!
Treasurer of Glacier Presbytery

Interim Treasurer TBD

We're Hiring!
Clerk of Glacier Presbytery

Interim Stated Clerk Bob Kampfer

March Calendar


Wed. March 19 / 8:30 AM - Pastors’ Coffee (Zoom)
Thurs. March 20/10:00AM - Cabinet Meeting (Zoom)
Wed. March 26 / 8:30 AM - Pastors’ Coffee (Zoom)


Other Upcoming

Special Presbytery Meeting | April 5, 2025 on Zoom
Presbytery Meeting | June 20-21, 2025 at Havre
Presbytery Meeting | October 10-11, 2025 at the camp


Glacier Presbytery

P.O. Box 2908 Great Falls, 59403

Presbytery Office

The Presbytery office for committee work is online here. Please contact us using the form above for login information.

Copyright Glacier Presbytery, 2022 | 406-871-2135

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